Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Lido di Dante

A few km south from Ravenna, between the mouth of the Fiumi Uniti river and the historical Pine Forest of Classe, raises the little town of LIDO DI DANTE.

Lido di Dante is a true paradise that survived the wild construction boom of the last century. Here, you will have a quiet holiday in direct contact with nature.

Why should you visit Lido di Dante?

Safeguarded within the protected area of the Po Delta Park, the town has very few beach establishments. All the rest is free beach.

There are no luxury hotels or holiday villages, but only terraced houses, mostly on rent. Moreover, you will find countless pitches for campers or for anyone seeking for an open-air experience.

Don’t miss

As soon as you go beyond the few establishments, within a short walk on the beach or through the pine forest (access is only allowed on foot or by bicycle), you’ll get to the Nature Reserve of Bassona, maybe one of the most beautiful stretches of sand of the whole Riviera Romagnola. Here, you can sense the real essence of Lido di Dante.

For its reserved and secluded character, this area has been a privileged destination for nudists from all over the world for decades (recently acknowledged and legally regulated by the municipality of Ravenna), offering a full experience of direct contact with the surrounding environment.

Of great suggestion are the guided tours to the naturalistic areas of the Bevano river mouth and of the nearby Oasis of Ortazzo and Ortazzino, which are some of the coastal areas with the greatest environmental diversity in Emilia-Romagna, as well as part of the Po Delta Park.

You can do birdwatching on a canoe, take part in a tour on an electric boat, or walk or cycle on one of the many available itineraries. You will discover the secrets of the local flora and fauna, led by the expert guides of the Bevanella Visitor Centre.

Don’t miss the suggestive trail that from Lido di Dante leads to Ravenna along the river banks of the Fiumi Uniti river. Enjoy this 9-km-long walk frequently trodden by runners and walkers, sided by traditional fishing huts and private vegetable gardens.

Around Lido di Dante

The territory surrounding Lido di Dante offers many different opportunities. You can admire art and culture of Unesco World Heritage monuments in the nearby Ravenna or get lost in the natural oasis of the Po Delta Park, easily reachable also by bike.

Last but not least, don’t forget the Archaeological Park of Classe, the 17th-century watchtower called “Torraccia” in the countryside between Ravenna and Lido di Dante and the charming atmosphere of the Pine forest of Classe with its priceless natural treasures.


A cura della Redazione Locale.

Ultima modifica: 20 February 2025

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