Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Un mare sicuro (Safe Seaside)

Un mare sicuro (Safe Seaside)

Safe Seaside
Information and sensitisation campaign in regard to responsible conduct while on the beaches of Ravenna

The seaside safety project begins in experimental form with an informative and educational campaign for the purpose of sensitising tourists and residents to the rules of good conduct for correct use of the beaches and the sea and is aimed at all those who use out beaches, especially children and young people.
The objective of the project is to avoid risks to all those who use our beaches by promoting the knowledge of 20 rules of good conduct for safe enjoyment of the beach and the sea.
The idea arises from the knowledge that rules and controls are necessary to reduce the number of cases of accidents or danger but are not suffi cient. A determined approach to prevention, information and education is needed.
It is essential for tourists and beach users to be informed on the aspects that could represent a danger to themselves and to others and to be educated concerning respect for the rules. Special attention is given to young people for whom developing a “seaside culture” is not only a question of love for our sea and the beauty of our coastline but also respect and correct safe use.

20 rules for enjoying the seaside in safety
1. Before going in the water always check the fl ag to see if there are dangerous or adverse sea weather conditions!
White flag: the sea weather conditions are good; nevertheless do not take any risks!
Red flag: the sea weather conditions are dangerous; be very careful or better still, don’t go in the water!
Yellow flag: the sea weather conditions are bad due to strong winds, beach umbrellas must be closed. Watch out for strong currents!
2. Swim where there is a lifeguard service: it is much safer!
3. Swim only in the areas reserved for swimming (do not enter access corridors, sports event areas, areas cordoned off for public works or the presence of danger).
4. Do not swim in the area next to the rocks: the seabed could have steep dips and there may be strong currents!
5. If you cannot swim do not go far into the water: the water level should not come above your thighs.
6. If you have small child allow him/her to go in the water only if accompanied by an adult and make sure that he/she remains in shallow water (not above the waist).
7. Swimming together with others is more fun and much safer!
8. Do not go in the water if you have just eaten; wait at least two hours.
9. Do not go in the water after a long sunbathing session. Large sudden temperature drops can be very dangerous!
10. If you take pharmaceuticals or suffer from a heart ailment of epilepsy do not go in the water! If you do decide to go in the water tell the lifeguard about your problem so that he can keep an eye on you.
11. Do not continue swimming when you are tired. Beware of fatigue from the cold… Do not put your body through pointless extremes. If you become fatigued swim on your back towards the shore and do not be afraid to call “HELP”! (AIUTO)
12. Do you use water-wings, rings, lilos or small infl atable dinghies? Remember that these are easy to lose in agitated water or even worse, they can get a puncture leaving you suddenly without support. Therefore do not go far from the shore. Bear in mind also that a land breeze can push you offshore very quickly and the return trip may be much more diffi cult than anticipated.
13. If you get a cramp while swimming do not tense your muscles and call for HELP (AIUTO) immediately!
14. Do not dive! The shallow seabed or submerged rocks can be FATAL!
15. Watch out for sudden dips which are frequently found in sandy sea-beds.
16. Watch out for lesser weever fi sh and jellyfi sh! If you are stung do not hesitate to call HELP! (AIUT
17. Do not climb onto the rocks! They are slippery and sharp; it is also PROHIBITED!
18. If you intend to use wind-surf boards, sailing boats, etc., use the corridors marked by the buoys located perpendicularly to the shoreline to enter the water.
19. If the lifeguard gives you advice, respect the request and remember it.
20. Obey the rules! If you want to know more ask the lifeguard for information. If you see someone who is not following the rules inform the lifeguard promptly: do not delay, you could save someone’s life.

Depliant (.pdf)

Società Nazionale di Salvamento di Ravenna: (+39) 340.4824327 – (+39) 348.7004844
Comune di Ravenna – Servizio Sviluppo Economico: (+39) 0544.482511-2880

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