Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Follow the ways of

Sea and Nature

Halfway between the blue Adriatic sea and the green pine forests, Ravenna is a favourite destination for lovers of outdoor activities

That’s the Sea and Nature around Ravenna: expanses of sand, tiny waves, forests and unspoilt lagoons, pink flamingoes rising up above the water’s edge…

It’s an endless interweaving of land and sea, rivers, canals and valleys insinuating slowly into the green of a dense and lush vegetation.

It’s a habitat with a unique variety of flora and fauna, to explore on foot, on a horse, on a canoe or by bicycle.

Here you will find the welcoming and fascinating atmosphere of the nine beaches: Casal Borsetti, Marina Romea, Porto Corsini, Marina di Ravenna, Punta Marina, Lido Adriano, Lido di Dante, Lido di Classe and Lido di Savio.

The natural charm of the sandy dunes and wide beaches will make you relax and enjoy a holiday, having some good time also with sports and great events.

And how not to mention the magic of the century-old forests? We are talking about the pine forests of Classe and San Vintale, which enchanted and inspired the great Romantic poets and, even before them, Dante Alighieri.

Emotions and great encounters with Mother Nature: this is the Regional Po Delta Park. With its variety of landscapes (oasis, valleys, lagoons and canals), it is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts, nature lovers, runners and walkers.

In the heart of the Mediterranean sea is main flyway of thousands of birds that come here to winter, nest and rest, offering endless surprises to the visitors.

The Visitor Centre Cubo Magico Bevanella in Savio (Ravenna) and the NatuRa Museum in Santโ€™Alberto (RA) organize the best nature experiences.

Discover the surroundings, led by biologists, naturalists, expert and passionate guides and choose your adventure: excursions on foot, boat trips, tours on a canoe or bike, for groups and families alike.

Sea and Nature in Ravenna: for all the needs and legs.

On that shore where the river Po
with all its tributaries slows
to peaceful flow, there I was born
(Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, Inferno V vv. 97)
