Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Follow the ways of the


In museums, in the Unesco monuments, along the streets and in artisan workshops: in Ravenna, mosaics are everywhere!

Mosaicย is undoubtedly Ravenna’s most representative art form.

If you visit the historical centre, you will easily notice it. All over the city, it is possible to admire traces of mosaics and works realised with this technique, which, despite its ancient Roman origins, managed to find its highest expression in the city.

A unique and almost unparalleled magnificence โ€“ especially given the strong presence of this form of art in a medium-sized town as Ravenna.

The mosaics of Ravenna are breathtaking, both from the aesthetic point of view and for the depth and complexity of the religious, mystical and political messages that they convey.

Seven out of the eight Unesco World Heritage monuments preserve the world’s richest heritage of early-Christian mosaics dating back between the 5th and the 6th century AD.

A priceless treasure, whose quality and iconography is superior to the ones of any other city of the ancient world, both eastern and western ones.

A tradition passed on from generation to generation thanks to the world’s most famous and specialised schools of mosaic โ€“ as Liceo Artistico “Nervi-Severini” and Accademia di Belle Arti โ€“ attended by students from all over the world.

Furthermore, the streets of the historical centre teem with artisan shops, where you will have the opportunity to see artisans at work and also create your own work of art thanks to the many laboratories.

Carefully and wisely protected, the mosaics managed to preserve their essence and what they represent: the city and its inhabitants.

This is the reason why today it is possible to live and explore the city through itineraries focusing on mosaic โ€“ thanks to the many stunning works of art that can be admired in the various urban contexts, from ancient to contemporary ones.

To dive into light and colours you just have to enter the Basilica of San Vitale, be amazed by the stars of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, get lost between the domes of the Neonian or Arian Baptistery and follow the processions of the martyrs and the virgins in the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo.

You can discover the discretion of the Archiepiscopal Chapel, the majesty of the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe or walk among the floorings of the Domus of the Stone Carpets.

In Ravenna, mosaics are everywhere: in museums, road signs, parks, flower pots and shop windows in the historical centre. Even on the walls, thanks to the world-famous street artist Invader‘s “invasions”.

A good starting point to discover the evolution of contemporary mosaic art is the MAR – Ravenna Art Museum.

Hosted inside the monumental complex of Loggetta Lombardesca, this space โ€“ in addition to being the seat of CIDM (the International Centre of Mosaic Studies) – preserves a vast and continuously developing collection of modern and contemporary mosaics that go beyond the traditional technique.

Not to be missed is the Biennial of Contemporary Mosaic, the international festival bringing together ever two years artists and mosaic schools from all over the world.

Ravenna is thus at the centre of a rich programme of events where ancient and contemporary art continuously dialogue with each other and with an eye to the future.

Mosaic represents the various facets of the city, for which a new dynamic and multi-faceted visual identity has been created.

Mosaic tiles and alternating colours, full and empty spaces that characterise Ravenna as the city of mosaic.

Aut lux hic nata est, aut capta hic libera regnat (…)
Either light was born here or, captured here reigns freely (…)
(from the mosaics of the Archiepiscopal Chapel in Ravenna)

Ravenna cittร  del mosaico
