Suggestive places rich in history: these are I luoghi dello spirito e del tempo, literally ‘the places of spirit and time’, a music programme of excellence that goes from the Middle Ages to the 18th century, from noble to folk music, between the sacred and the profane. In Ravenna, on Thursday 30 July, the Grossi Palace will be the wonderful setting for a travel in history and in the music of the Renaissance.
Organized by Collegium Musicum Classense, with artistic direction by Maria Luisa Baldassari, Susanna Piolanti e Marina Scaioli.
Booking is compulsory on
Information by SMS or WhatsApp, writing to +39 353.4112041
Free admission
For the full programme, visit the website
Thursday 30 July
Palazzo Grossi, Castiglione di Ravenna
Ensemble Dramsam | 9pm
With Chiara Fontana, Italian music between humanism and Renaissance
Booking is compulsory
Historical and artistic introduction by Vanda Budini | At 6.00pm and 7.30pm