On the occasion of the 8th Biennial of Contemporary Mosaic, from 20th October to 7th January 2024, the National Museum of Ravenna hosts A COME ACCADEMIA, O COME OROBURRI, an exhibition of mosaic works realised by the young artists of the two-year specialisation course in Mosaic of the Academy.
Over the last year, artists have treated mosaic in relation to different individual poetics, but everyone of them is undoubtedly touched by the charm of a dominant element in the extraordinary mosaic heritage of the city, related to its late-antique and Byzantine past.
The works are all around a work by Alberto Burri of private collection, related to the interest for precious gold that had already aroused in the poetic world of the artist – who investigated the poverty of sacks in the ’50s – and which in the ’90s became a dominant presence as a counterpoint to black.