Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Museums and Libraries

The guardians of art and knowledge

Many museums and libraries of Ravenna are hosted inside large and ancient monasteries, which were once located next to the main churches and basilicas of the city.

Originally, they were part of abbeys, while today they are the heart of an intense cultural activity and faithful guardians of memory.

They preserve a historical and artistic heritage, both ancient and modern, of inestimable value.

You can admire the frescoes of Santa Chiara in the Ravenna National Museum, explore contemporary mosaics in the MAR – Ravenna Art Museum, see Maximian’s ivory pulpit in the Archiepiscopal Museum or be surprised by the rare archaeological remains preserved in the Classis Museum.


Musei e luoghi dell'arte

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#myRavenna è il blog ufficiale del turismo a Ravenna.
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